Andrew Kloster, chief lawyer in the government's HR office, has a history of making sexist and racist comments ...
The Office of Personnel Management tells agency and department heads they must close all DEIA offices by the end of Wednesday ...
The Office of Personnel Management on Wednesday ordered all federal programs that “promote or reflect gender ideology” shut ...
Agencies are starting to take action against DEI-tasked employees and pass lists of those workers on to OPM and the White ...
In the spree of memos coming out of President Donald Trump’s Office of Personnel Management, two conservative activists have ...
There are legal constraints in place that are designed to prevent many of the president's recent firings. So why is Trump making the moves anyway?
Employees in any federal diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility offices will be placed on paid administrative leave ...
The White House's controversial federal grants and loans freeze appears to be over. A memo sent by Matthew J. Vaeth at the ...
The White House told federal agencies to detail by Friday a list of federal employees who are on probationary status and make ...
President Donald Trump is relying on a relatively obscure federal agency to reshape government. The Office of Personnel ...