AI is already impacting many aspects of our lives, but the revolution has only just begun. You might assume that Letztec is a ...
In this cross-interview, Jeanne Labrette, an UX designer, and José Martins, a low-code expert, explain why keeping a ...
For organisations, the transition to a skills-based approach boils down to fundamental changes in how talent management is designed, executed, and processed: it is an intertwined cultural change with ...
Marco Houwen has long been the “Internet and Cloud guy” in Luxembourg. His atypical career of more than 20 years in ICT led him onto his path today where he supports leaders at the heart of their ...
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Proximus NXT, acteur majeur des solutions numériques et de la transformation digitale au Luxembourg, annonce un partenariat avec WeCan Group pour le déploiement de Wecan Comply, une solution innovante ...
Olivier Ramlot, CIO de la BIL et lauréat du prix CIO of the Year 2024, revient sur l’année écoulée. Il partage son analyse ...
Exclusive Networks (Euronext Paris : EXN), leader mondial de la cybersécurité, annonce la signature de deux accords avec ...
Le stockage S3, boosté par la rapidité des SSD NVMe (Non-volatile Memory Express), révolutionne l’IT et l’intelligence ...