The Great American Rail-Trail will cross the entire country when completed, but one of the most epic sections has already ...
A Bucks County woman died Wednesday after a tree fell on her along the Saucon Rail Trail in Lower Saucon Township, according ...
The Lehigh County Coroner says a Springfield Township woman was killed when a tree fell on her while walking the Saucon Rail ...
The state desperately needs both rail and trail. Pitting these modes against each other will only undermine them both.
A young girl was able to escape an attack from a serial sex offender on the Bellarine by kicking him “in the nads” after he ...
Opponents of the proposal to create a 26-mile bicycle and pedestrian trail along the route say the tracks should stay in ...
With snow receding from trails around the Okanagan and people gearing up for spring, it's time for some seasonal maintenance.
FALL RIVER, MASS. (WJAR) — A community clean up along the Quequechan River Rail Trail in Fall River brought out neighbors, ...
Luzerne County wants the county redevelopment authority and its rail subsidiary to hold off from approving any agreements ...
Efforts to turn an unused stretch of railroad into a hiking and biking trail continued this week as an advocacy group for the project and the South Dakota Department of Transportation held a series of ...
Robbin Mary Danko, 61, died from blunt force injuries in a tragic accident while walking on the popular trail in Lower Saucon ...
Luzerne County Manager Romilda Crocamo and her administration deserve a shoutout for taking a good look at the county Redevelopment Authority’s rail operations. It may sound a bit antiquated, but rail ...