The initial share sale of 88.99 lakh shares will open for subscription on February 5 and close on February 7. The IPO is a combination of fresh issuance of 61.99 lakh shares worth Rs 58.27 crore, and ...
Symphony, known for air coolers, enters water heating segment with 3 geyser models featuring advanced filtration technology ...
The Rs 3,027-crore initial share sale of India's largest eye care hospital chain by revenue will remain open for subscription from January 29 to January 31, with a price band of Rs 382-402 per share.
The BSE Sensex and NSE Nifty are expected to open a tad higher on Thursday, following positive trend at Gift Nifty.
Analysts predict that Denta Water and Infra will list at a premium to the issue price, ahead of the share offering, which is ...
Analysts predict that Denta Water and Infra will list at a premium to the issue price, ahead of the share offering, which is ...