A passenger onboard an ill-fated motorized pleasure craft said just minutes before a deadly crash in Toronto in 2022 the man accused in a current trial took the wheel.
Poland-based yacht maker Sialia presented a new addition to its range, the electric 45 which will become available in the summer of 2025.
I don’t know who is actually behind the wheel,” the witness testified. “There’s a two-minute gap, and anybody could have switched.” ...
This rugged scenic drive takes you through gold-mining country from desert to mountaintop. There you'll find great burgers, ...
Defence lawyer Alan Gold tried his best to shake her opinion, suggesting that driving on the road with pedestrians and ...
Former Paramus firefighter Shawn Kelly apologizes for leaving the scene of the Labor Day 2016 boating accident on Greenwood ...
The harrowing memory leaves Andrea Miguel fighting back tears as she testifies in the downtown Toronto courtroom and is taken ...
Very big, very fast sailboats will soon be racing across San Francisco Bay. SailGP, which is billed as “the most exciting ...
Spring is almost in full swing, meaning more sunshine, longer days, and more opportunities to get your Instagram pictures in.
A speedboat skipper was drunk, naked and “yahooing” in the lead-up to a horror crash on the Hawkesbury River that claimed the ...
Shocking footage captured the moment the boat swung several feet into the air when a large metal rod suddenly detached and ...