Alia Bhatt attended the Sabyasachi 25-year runway show in Mumbai. She wore a black silk saree and a bejewelled blouse for the ...
Several Bollywood stars including the likes Deepika Padukone, Alia Bhatt, and Sonam Kapoor graced the red carpet for designer ...
Bipasha Basu took over the fashion carpet at Sabyasachi’s 25th anniversary gala in Mumbai, sporting an all-black saree avatar ...
Sporting Sabyasachi couture and Dior, Bollywood's fashion icon Sonam Kapoor showed up in a black skirt and top, slick hair, ...
Alia Bhatt reflects on her long-standing collaboration with designer Sabyasachi on his 25th anniversary. She highlights his ...
Alia Bhatt took to her social media and slew a series of pictures and videos from Sabyasachi's event, in an Instagram ...
Alia Bhatt recently recalled the priceless wedding memories she had created in her elegant Sabyasachi wedding attire while ...
Alia Bhatt and Sonam Kapoor dazzled at Sabyasachi's 25th-anniversary event, showcasing the designer's exquisite creations.