The mantle transition zone (MTZ), which occurs 410–670 kilometers below Earth's surface, may store several oceans' worth of water. This water, which is carried to such depths by subducting tectonic ...
At the center of this conversation is the concept that these tectonic plates could still be pulling apart in unexpected ways. Some experts say this updated view could affect how we classify continents ...
Australia's northward drift and its impact on biodiversity Australia's drift resulted from plate tectonics, a geological process that has built Earth's continents over a period of hundreds of ...
Politicians are looking to crack down on so-called ghost plates after a reported rise in drivers running red lights and breaking the speed limit. Labour MP Sarah Coombes is trying to change the ...
Plate tectonics is geology’s Theory of Everything. The realisation in the 1960s that Earth’s crust is made of fragments called plates—and that these plates can grow, shrink and move around ...
Massive mantle formations, called LLSVPs, have been found to be over a billion years old. These structures, sitting 3,000 km beneath the surface, slow seismic waves, indicating unique physical and ...
The movement of tectonic plates determines the arrangement of the continents, and they’re constantly in motion. A new video combines a wealth of data and condenses it into a 40-second animation ...
A global reanalysis of both short- and long-term deformation clarifies how obliquity affects strain partitioning in convergent plate boundaries.
The West Kunlun orogenic belt located in the northwestern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is an important record of the formation and northward extension of the plateau, but the current research ...
Although using an electric toothbrush is not guaranteed to reduce dental issues, experts say that a powered brush can make it easier for some kids to develop good oral-health habits. For children ...
It has vast water oceans and abundant life. But Earth is also unique because it is the only planet with plate tectonics, which shaped its geology, climate and possibly influenced the evolution of ...