The growth and lifespan of Parvancorina minchami, small anchor-shaped animals that lived on the seafloor about 550 million ...
Desert ecosystems make up 50% of Australia’s terrestrial landscape, or 383.8 million hectares. In 2020–21, half of Australia’s mangroves had at least 80% canopy cover. Between 2015–16 and 2020–21, 4% ...
One of the most incredible coral facts is that, while coral reefs are estimated to make up less than 1% of the surface of our planet, they’re vital to 25% of all ocean life. Coral reefs not only ...
The product also reduces farmers’ use of nitrogen-based fertilizers, a chemical runoff that exacerbates sargassum blooms and can create ocean dead zones. The Global Fund for Coral Reefs is a UN-backed ...
Its goal? To map the whole ocean floor by the end of this decade. This goal is extremely ambitious. There are technical challenges, financial challenges, and political challenges. Five years to ...
The coral goes transparent or white ... A late start to the monsoon and higher than average ocean temperatures led to bleaching that caught scientists by surprise. Usually the highest danger ...
Names associated with the ocean (or water in general) hold a special place in my heart. One of my friends who lives with his family out in California lives near the ocean, and all of them have names ...
"Our major discovery here is that life in the deepest parts of our oceans is more diverse than it is in the ocean floor areas that surround these trenches," Virtasalo said. They found evidence of ...
“The Floor” returns for its third season Wednesday night. Trivia-heads will once again be battling it out for respect and big-time bucks. Rob Lowe: “The category is breakfast. You must ...
The Floor is supposed to be a game show with 100 everyday people competing in their expert categories in order to win $250,000. However, fans have noticed lately that reality TV stars, actors ...