Around the world: Taranaki Maunga, a mountain in New Zealand, has been granted legal personhood, Rwanda initiates Heritage ...
Bibido is part of the Bardi Jawi Ranger group, which is supported by the Kimberley Land Council and ... to the Australian Human Rights Commission, Indigenous peoples have the smallest ecological ...
Felicity Stewart is the East Kimberley Chronic Disease coordinator. "We're a nonprofit Aboriginal controlled organisation. We run four renal health centres across the Kimberley, Broome ...
Mr Lovell has a background in tourism and established his own business ‘Kimberley Safari Tours’ in 1981. A tourism award in his name is presented annually by the Kimberley Tourism Association. Mr ...
A Kimberley Monsoon Rainforest (wulo) in Wunambal Gaambera Country. Image courtesy of the Wunambal Gaambera Aboriginal Corporation. Evolving in isolation upon nutrient-rich substrates and in areas ...
Kimberley was a Labor seat from 1924 to 1968 ... Martin was easily elected in 2001, becoming the first indigenous woman elected to an Australian Parliament. Martin was re-elected in both 2005 ...
As the CEO of the Kimberley Aboriginal Women's Council (KAWC), Nyikina and Bunuba woman Janine Dureau has spent decades advocating for Aboriginal women and children across Western Australia.
Wayne Bergmann is an indigenous leader from the Kimberley region. He is recognised as one of Australia’s leading advocates for Indigenous self-determination through economic empowerment and ...