Hunter Hearst Helmsley – RAW February 13 ... These matches let you flip the script and rewrite history. The Headshrinkers (Samu & Fatu, w/ Afa) vs. The Steiner Brothers (Scott Steiner & Rick ...
Hulk Hogan at King of the Ring ‘93, and Rocky Maivia vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley at RAW in ‘97. Change history and bring more glory to The Bloodline by avenging key losses such as Rikishi vs.
Triple H debuted during the New Generation Era as Hunter Hearst Helmsley His Pedigree finisher was based on his blueblood gimmick It is now considered one of the greatest finishing moves in WWE ...
The Game is the most powerful man in wrestling, but everyone has to start somewhere. In the mid-90s, Triple H was still a midcarder going by Hunter Hearst Helmsley. At the end of 1995, he was put in a ...
Triple H would take a similar gimmick (Connecticut Blueblood) to WWE in 1995. The name Hunter Hearst Helmsley would lead to Triple H. That name would lead to a Hall of Fame career. Jim The Anvil ...