Drillhole WMA082-12 Intersected 17.0 Metres at 10.81% U3O8; Including 10.5 Metres at 17.30% U3O8 Drillhole WMA094-02 ...
leading to the discovery of chalcopyrite mineralization in fractures and quartz-calcite veins within a mafic intrusive of the Wakuach Suite. Pervasive and locally intense albite and potassic feldspar ...
C. Wide intensely oxidized fault zone with white quartz veining, JES-25-103, 23m depth. D. Malachite with hematite in highly fractured and oxidized host rock, JES-25-103, 27m depth. E. Silicified ...
A polymer based cementitious TSL was utilized while the material type included quartz and sandstone rocks and 30 MPa concrete. Liner thicknesses included 16.2 mm, 20.2 mm, 24.2 mm, 28.2 mm, and 32.2 ...