A male great white shark, nicknamed Contender, has been tagged by researchers from the non-profit group OCEARCH off the coast ...
Jason Rosenfeld and Luke Beard have caught plenty of fish, but one catch on Saturday is one they'll remember for a lifetime.
Two North Carolina fishermen made one of the most impressive catches of their careers when they caught a great white shark.
A 637-pound great white shark has traveled thousands of miles over the last two years and is now heading toward Louisiana's coast. The nearly 10-foot-long shark known as Ormond was located on ...
In a recent video posted by Seanrileymusic, the passengers on a small vessel had an incredible encounter when a massive great white shark breached the surface near their boat. Few sights in nature ...
The blobfish resembles a normal fish in its deep sea habitat but when brought to the surface, it morphs into a mushy creature ...
Anglers surf fishing North Carolina’s Outer Banks caught and released a massive great white shark on March 16.