THE wild and rugged landscapes of Scotland may inspire poetry and grace calendar pages, but a raft of hidden gems can equally fire the imagination.
Why it's awesome: This deadly, yellow centipede has evolved to live in the Movile Cave — a pitch black, sulfurous underground system untouched by sunlight for more than 5 million years.
And one such remarkable specimen was just discovered: the mummified carcass of a 39,500-year-old cave bear. According to The Siberian Times, the cave bear was found by reindeer herders on the Bolshoy ...
Polar bear cubs were seen without their mothers only 5% of the time after the families emerged from their dens. (Image credit: Dmytro Cherkasov/Polar Bears International) Throughout the study ...
When a giant sinkhole swallowed up part of a road in Surrey it caused ... Peter Burgess, of the Wealden Cave and Mining Society, is an expert on the underground caves and crevices in and around ...
When a giant sinkhole swallowed up part of a road ... Peter Burgess, of the Wealden Cave and Mining Society, is an expert on the underground caves and crevices in and around Godstone.
Caves in Reigate are a tourist attraction, but less is known about the ones lurking underfoot in Godstone When a giant sinkhole swallowed ... Peter Burgess, of the Wealden Cave and Mining Society ...
The rescued dog’s harrowing adventure began when he inadvertently ventured into the treacherous cave system. Spending three days in these unforgiving conditions was a tremendous challenge, but even ...
Disgraced TV personality Stephen Bear's life looks a lot different now ... a £500 fine and £4,707.05 in costs for building a giant black fence around his house that was built without planning ...
The ‘Cave Diver’ trend on TikTok humorously exaggerates cave divers' willingness to squeeze into impossibly tight spaces. It satirizes their extreme mindset, turning a risky hobby into a viral meme.
Archaeologists have created a new model to help identify archaeological bear baiting assemblages in England and beyond. The study, by researchers at the Universities of York and Nottingham ...