A calving iceberg exposed a region that never before had been seen by human eyes, revealing a vibrant, thriving ecosystem ...
A video of a ‘strange creature’ casually swimming ‘too close’ to a beach was shared on social media, which went viral in an instant, leaving the internet panicking over yet another ‘doomsday sign’.
Some scientists claim that octopuses could be the next big species after humans go extinct and that there is much to learn ...
The 'Doomsday Argument' erupted on social media after a video featuring a 'strange creature', possibly a blanket octopus was ...
Giant deep-sea spider spotted crawling on ocean floor near Antarctica - Researchers suspect species grows so large partly due ...
A hidden ecosystem of giant sea spiders, octopuses, and other stunning sea creatures shows how life can flourish even when ...
A previously hidden under-sea ecosystem has been revealed after an iceberg broke away from the George VI Ice Shelf, a massive ...
Researchers were in a remote region of the Bellingshausen Sea on a different expedition when the iceberg calved, giving them a chance to change course and explore a region never before accessible to ...