Welcome to the Holston Mountain Artisan’s woodworking club, a group of community members of all ages who have carved out a time each week to share joy in their craft, ...
One Pokemon fan details how they created a Pikachu figure out of wood, revealing the steps necessary to carve the ...
One skilled Pokemon fan carves impressive models of Torkoal out of wood, showing off two versions of the creature from Gen 3.
Now, after moving north in 2018, he plies his well-honed craft as a sole proprietor of Phillips Custom Upholstery ... “My uncle owned a wood carving shop, carving out legs for chairs and ...
PINE RIVER — Balsam Moon Preserve is offering wooden spoon carving 101 March 15 from 1 to 5 p.m. Instructor Mike Austad of rural Pine River has been carving spoons for about 10 years, along with a ...
noting the hand-carved doors, hand-plastered walls, and copper and leather accents throughout. A chandelier of prized, custom Soleri bells hangs in the kitchen. In addition to the aesthetics ...
Contributed By Onyx Lopez, @onyx.visualz, Shamari Bryan, @erafilmz, Jordi Sereix, @jordi.filmz, Dreams Of Angela, @dreamsofangela, Steelo, @steelofilms, And Tristan ...