This guide from Thabiti M. Anyabwile biblically and practically instructs church members in ways they can labor for the health of their church.
Peter Lynas explores the slang term ‘cultural brain rot’, the three underlying cultural stories and the role of discipleship ...
Borrowing from George Orwell , who describes nationalism as “power hunger tempered by self-deception,” Christian nationalism ...
Baptism, like its old covenant counterpart, circumcision, is a sign and seal of the covenant of grace (Rom. 4:11), pointing ...
According to a Lifeway Research study of U.S. Protestant churches with ongoing adult Bible study groups, 56 percent say the ...
The Gospels are manuals of discipleship. Their lessons are for us. Roles without relationships are risky business. We cannot ...
The Southern Baptist Convention is a diverse, cooperative “force for good” that is poised to move forward on mission, Jeff Iorg said at his installation as the ...
Lindsey Beer, co-chief strategic officer of the Best-One Corp., said Elliott has been positive influence. "His heart for discipleship and desire to help people grow is at the core of each decision he ...
The Elgin Courier - serves Elgin, Texas, and wider Bastrop County. Founded by Miles Hill, the paper has been published weekly ...
Instead of white-knuckling our way through life in a pluralistic, rapidly changing society, Christians should learn from ...
While Washington can be blamed for policy failures on immigration, the responsibility for how we treat one another rests with ...
And we really need to come together as a community to serve this population better,” says Ryan Hannon, director of outreach ...