S.C. Department of Natural Resources sank 180-foot barge in Atlantic Ocean off Hilton Head Island, adding to artificial reef network the state started in 1970s.
DARPA launches the USX-1 Defiant, a fully autonomous 180-foot warship designed for extended missions without human presence, ...
Here’s your daily look at traffic on major highways in the Kansas City area. This article is being continuously updated.
According to the statement, on January 4, a 200-foot-long bailey bridge connecting Lachung to Katao collapsed due to the uncontrolled movement of trucks. Another 180-foot-long bailey bridge ...
Gangtok, As many as four bridges in North Sikkim have either collapsed or got severely damaged in North Sikkim in the past ...
It offers efficient cooling and energy-saving features and comes in various types, such as split, window, and inverter models ...
The 180 ft long and 240 ton vessel has a mast at its centre. The mast sports various navigation radars and antennas. But its most impressive feature has to be its four Adaptable deck launchers for ...
This month, Naval News reported that Serco , under the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's (DARPA) No Manning Required Ship (NOMARS) program, launched the USX-1 Defiant, a 180-foot-long ...