Fasting in Ramadan is patient endurance of a period of hunger that continues for fifteen hours, or for twenty-four if the pre ...
One of the instances of wisdom in fasting in Ramadan with regard to shattering the instinctual soul's imaginary dominicality ...
One of the many instances of wisdom in the fast of Ramadan with respect to mankind's gain and profit, who comes to this world ...
One of the many instances of wisdom in fasting in Ramadan from the point of view of the revelation of the All-Wise Qur'an, ...
One of the many instances of wisdom in fasting in Ramadan from the point of view of improving the conduct of the instinctual soul and giving up its rebellious habits is as follows: The human soul ...
Ä°stanbul Cumhuriyet BaÅŸsavcılığınca, Ä°stanbul BüyükÅŸehir Belediyesine (Ä°BB) yönelik yolsuzluk ve terör soruÅŸturmalarında ...
Ä°srail ordusunun Hamas ile ateÅŸkesi bozup yeniden hava saldırılarına baÅŸlamasının ardından Gazze'yi kuzey-güney hattında ...
Ä°rlanda BaÅŸbakanı Micheal Martin, Ä°srail'in Gazze'deki son saldırılarına tepki göstererek Avrupa'nın Gazze'de devam eden ...