Yopa’s study shows UK house prices rose 51.8% since 2014, but only 12.1% after inflation. New builds surged 79%, widening the ...
UK housing costs reached £217 billion in 2024, up £19.8 billion. Tenants pay £2,195 more, homeowners £2,829 extra, with ...
Grenfell, the UK cladding crisis traps residents in unsafe homes. PAC slams Govt’s slow remediation and rising costs.
The Renters’ Rights Bill hits the Lords on 22 April 2025 for scrutiny. NRLA backs amendments on arrears and student rents.
The biggest problem facing landlords is that the PRS is like a pendulum, swinging slowly from one policy extreme to the other ...
Pegasus Insight’s Tenant Trends report shows 43% of renters barely know the Renters’ Rights Bill, with 27% expecting rent ...
Discover Fleet Mortgages’ 55% LTV deals, YBS’s 24-hour responses, and MT Finance’s 80% LTV HMO product for UK landlords.
One of Britain’s largest trade unions is demanding that its members receive priority for social housing, despite earning ...
Hi, I own a shared flat occupied by 3 people (twins plus friend) in Inner London that has now become an HMO. I applied for a ...
Hello, I hope someone may be able to help. I seem to have tenants from hell. I have only one property which was my dad’s ...
Shelter’s millions could guarantee tenants’ rent and damages, easing landlords’ burdens. So why won’t they step up and stop ...
The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) could deduct money from benefit claimants’ payments if they owe money to their ...