Jibra’il Omar, formerly Timothy Weeks, was held hostage for three years in Afghanistan by the Taliban. He converted to Islam ...
Hosted by Dan Schreiber, James Harkin, Anna Ptaszynski, and Andrew Hunter Murray Edited by James Harkin Team includes Alex Bell, Jack Chambers, Tara Dorrell, Manu Henriot, Leying Lee and Ethan ...
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Young British Hindus explain and discuss their beliefs about life after death, karma and reincarnation. A visit to a Mandir (temple) leads to a brief explanation of Hindu views on other religions as ...
Jacob lives in Bridgwater near Bristol, and is a keen sea cadet. Every year, he and his friends celebrate Remembrance Sunday, and they discuss what this day means. Jacob and his group of sea cadets ...
In the first of a two clip sequence on tackling racism, Asian school boy Cheten talks openly about his experiences of racist remarks and attitudes. In his video report, Cheten interviews his dad, ...
Children in a west London primary school discuss the different languages they use and how in the playground they use a mixture of English and Punjabi. They translate a Meg and Mog picture book from ...
Elijah lives in the Hackney area of London and is one of the ‘Olympic Ambassadors’ for his primary school. He describes his Caribbean background and talks about where he lives and where he goes to ...
Several children provide an introduction to bullying. They explore two types of bullying - emotional bullying where victims are excluded or targeted with unkind remarks and physical bullying which ...
Everything you need to know about London from architecture to accents and great music.