[バンコク 20日 ロイター] - タイ中央銀行のセタプット総裁は20日、金融政策決定において中銀の独立性が必要だと強調した。政府は景気下支えに向けて金利を引き下げることを要求し、金利据え置きを続ける中銀との対立が深まっている。
[シンガポール 20日 ロイター] - 中国は2024年分の追加の石油の輸出割当枠を設定した。第3次輸出枠としてクリーン精製燃料で800万トン、船舶用燃料で100万トンが設定されたと中国のコモディティー(商品)コンサルティング会社2社が20日に述べた ...
[19日ロイター] - 米大リーグ(MLB)は19日、各地で試合を行い、カブスの鈴木誠也外野手がナショナルズ戦で21号2ランを放った。 鈴木は「3番・指名打者」で先発出場。3打数2安打、2打点、1四球、1三振で7─6の勝利に貢献した。
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said on Thursday that Jewish-American voters would be partly to blame if he ...
Vietnam's Binh Son Refining and Petrochemical has purchased its first cargo of Murban crude oil produced in the United Arab Emirates as it diversifies import sources for its Dung Quat refinery, two ...
Elliott Hill started at Nike as an intern in 1988 but steadily scaled its ranks, banking on values of grit and hard work ...
With another century opening for Australia, Travis Head is looking more and more likely to open the batting in the home test ...
Striking junior doctors in India's West Bengal state agreed to resume essential services, in a partial resumption of medical ...
Malaysian authorities on Thursday arrested the chief executive and other senior managers of an Islamic conglomerate accused ...
Vice President Kamala Harris on Thursday issued a warning to any potential home intruder: "If somebody breaks in my house, ...
The Atlanta Dream claimed the WNBA's final playoff spot on Thursday night to complete the league's postseason field.
China would welcome more Indian investments and commodities in the Chinese market and also hopes that India will provide a ...