Event News, Lifestyle, NEWS - Eindhoven Zoo will soon have two new residents: two golden takins. The camels in the zoo have ...
The Stedelijk College in Eindhoven has won the 'Beweegrijke School Award'. It is a national prize that is awarded to a school ...
FEATURES, Lifestyle, NEWS - Eindhoven is home to many cultures. The city now has more than 170 nationalities. The city is a job engine and is growing. This acts like a magnet on - Eindhoven's ...
Eindhoven is home to many cultures. The city now has more than 170 nationalities. The city is a job engine and is growing. This works like a magnet on - Eindhoven is becoming increasingly internationa ...
The area around Eindhoven Central Station will be overhauled in the coming years. In order to keep the station easily accessible for cyclists, work will - North side of Eindhoven Central Station gets ...
Education, NEWS - Today the very first Bewegrijke School Award was presented at Stedelijk College Eindhoven vmbo location Oude Bossche Baan during the Inspiration Day - Stedelijk college wins award ...