The Hague is not only the seat of the Permanent Court of Arbitration. It hosts the International Criminal Court (ICC), the Hague Academy of International Law, and the International Court of Justice.
Former Philippines president Rodrigo Duterte believes he has no case to answer at the International Criminal Court and is ...
Het personeel van de Albert Heijn in winkelcentrum Noordhove in Zoetermeer dat zaterdagavond oog in oog stond met een overvaller, krijgt professionele hulp om de indrukwekkende gebeurtenis te verwerke ...
column Kitty Herweijer schrijft drie keer per week over wat haar bezighoudt.
De Filipijnse oud-president Rodrigo Duterte voelt zich ‘beter’ nu er ‘goed voor hem wordt gezorgd’, zei zondag zijn dochter ...
The Pre-Trial Chamber I of the International Criminal Court (ICC) has ordered both the prosecution and the defense teams in ...
SCHIEDAM (ANP) - De politie heeft zaterdagavond een 17-jarige jongen uit Rotterdam aangehouden wegens een schietincident op ...
The man who ordered the Philippines’ bloody war on drugs is now in a cell at The Hague. Getting him there was far from a sure thing.
The former President of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte's lawyer, plans to seek asylum from the Netherlands government due ...
His arrest by the ICC was a monumental step in prosecuting his bloody drug war. But it’s also the latest episode in a battle between the Philippines’ two political dynasties.