Kudumbasthan, a comedy-drama directed by Rajeshwar Kalisamy, earned ₹6.94 crore in its first 3 days at the box office. The film stars K. Manikandan, Saanve Megghana, and Guru Somasundaram and features ...
Kudumbasthan, a comedy-drama released on January 24, 2025, marks Rajeshwar Kalisamys directorial debut. The film, starring K.
The director added, “I sincerely want to apologise to Ameer and Vetri Maran. Many people criticised me for speaking that way, ...
The fourth week of January saw the announcement of the Padma awardees, the title of a major star's final film, the release ...
Kudumbashthan box office collection in two days hints at another success from Kollywood - is it even possible?