Virginia's flag, and the motto it bears, sic semper tyrannis, offer valuable lessons that are still relevant today.
Throughout her career, Carole Keeton – also known as Carole Keeton Strayhorn – served as mayor of Austin, Texas railroad ...
Texas flags are half-staff through sunset Friday to observe the death of former Railroad Commissioner of Texas, Carole Keeton ...
Ace any trivia night with these fun facts about America Fun facts about America that will surprise you Although the United ...
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) — Flags engender such loyalty and pride, they often become very personal emblems with quirky or quaint nicknames: Old Glory, Union Jack, Maple Leaf — or SOB. That would ...
You can get in touch with Joe by emailing [email protected] Red Flag Warnings are issued when ... fire behavior," said the NWS. Affected states included Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Colorado ...
Most of the world has adopted the metric system as their official system of measurement with one major exception: the United States. “The U.S. stands out as the only major industrial nation that ...
Since Releases have been automated when building locally you might want to supply your own version number (e.g. X.X.X) like this: ant -Dapp.version=X.X.X ...
The bill lays out which flags are permitted for display, including the United States flag, flags of other countries, college and university flags, and the official flag of the U.S. Olympic ...
HOUSTON - Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has ordered flags across the state to be flown at half-staff following the death of U.S. Rep. Sylvester Turner from Houston. The governor ordered that the Texas and ...
“Effective immediately, I have instructed the City of Barrie staff to remove United States flags from all city-owned facilities,” he added. “Shall the decision by President (Donald) Trump be reversed, ...
The SS United States, the world's fastest ocean liner and 100 feet longer than the ill-fated RMS Titanic, has entered the Gulf on its way to becoming the world's largest artificial reef off ...