The NFL draft has been one of the top preoccupations for Department of Public Works, according to its director during a ...
Residents who pay to have their garden waste collected can now renew their subscriptions. This year’s service will run ...
A planned new plastics recycling facility in Erie, with a big vision for sustainability and job creation is facing ...
The aim of the move was to crack down on food waste going in the wrong bins as the council said about a quarter of most black ...
The council is currently rolling out the scheme across the city in a bid to reduce the amount of food waste being placed in ...
KUALA Lumpur, Putrajaya and Pahang residents receiving new rubbish bins under a federal rollout are required to lodge a ...
Some residents in Elmira will soon see new waste bins showing up in front of their houses as part of a new Sanitation Tote ...
The program, the most significant change made to London’s waste collection system since 1996, reached 130,000 households and ...
The Birmingham bins strike has escalated concerns over household rubbish being collected and waste in the streets ...
Bins are overflowing and filth piling up alongside after a Birmingham flat complex went five weeks without a waste collection ...
Any Mayfield Heights resident who doesn’t pull their trash bins off the street within 24 hours of collection could now be charged with a minor misdemeanor following a recent City Council vote. The now ...
Every household in Wirral will be given a new bin and free bin bags in a year as authorities prepare to bring in weekly food ...