The Straw Hat Pirates have one last member pending. Their identity will be revealed during One Piece Elbaf's arc.
After the events of the Wano Arc, the Straw Hat Pirates were promoted to the rank of Yonko, although they weren't properly tested as a crew. Egghead served as a short test for some members of the ...
One Piece has one of the best ensemble casts in anime, and there are some characters so great that it's bizarre that they ...
and the secrets of the Void Century. Much like the present-day Straw Hat Pirates, the Roger Pirates are built around a core trio that includes the three strongest fighters of the crew. As for the ...
The cover story of Chapter 1138 reveals that Who’s-Who has established a base in his likeness deep in Udon along with many of the former Beast Pirates’ underlings, with the latest chapter ...
Based on Eiichiro Oda's best-selling manga series, One Piece is full of epic battles and a highly entertaining and eclectic ensemble of characters known as the Straw Hat Pirates. With over 1,000 ...
And One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 is just one example of this. Combining the anime with the style of gameplay from the Dynasty Warriors franchise, the game seeks to make you feel like the Straw Hat ...
Brook somehow kept it together even after being stuck in the dark for all those years, all alone, without any hope.
Even though Roger Pirates disbanded after their captain’s demise, some of the vital crew members make an appearance in the story from time to time to aid the Straw Hats. So, if you are interested in ...