There are about 10 licensed Muslim foster families for the state’s 250 Muslim foster youth, 50 more than last year.
A landlord has been granted a GHC20,000.00 bail by an Accra Circuit Court for allegedly stealing GHC7,067.87 worth of power, belonging to the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG). The Court presided ...
Boahene, the former head of the National Signals Bureau, is accused of using to launder stolen state funds.
The South Korean Constitutional Court ruled on Monday that the impeachment of Prime Minister Han Duck-soo was Illegitimate as his conduct, while partially unconstitutional, did not constitute a ...
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Colonel Festus Boahen Aboagye, a retired security expert, has made a startling revelation about the national security operatives’ search of the private home of former Bank of Ghana (BoG) Governor, Dr ...