Asceticism is the practice of denial of physical or psychological desires in order to attain a spiritual ideal or goal, often ...
As more and more work is becoming digital- using laptops, tabs and other such gadgets for all tasks is a mandate. But that also means that you are constantly sitting in a position with a slouched back ...
As part of the arthritis, you can also develop bone spurs. Symptoms of cervical osteoarthritis typically include neck pain and stiffness. In more severe cases, it can lead to a pinched nerve.
The outcome for a person with a hump on the back of the neck relates closely to what causes it. If a person is proactive, they can slow the progress of osteoporosis-related bone loss and reduce ...
The skeleton allows movement, provides support and protection for vital organs and makes blood cells. Skeletal muscles move the bones in the body. The skeletal system is made from bones and joints.
The first archaeological evidence of extreme asceticism practiced by nuns was discovered in Jerusalem. A female skeleton, found wrapped in chains during an excavation by the Israel Antiquities ...