A pair of out-of-state commercial real estate firms recently traded the Broomfield Marketplace strip mall at 1100 U.S. Highway 287 in Broomfield for $19 million.
200 new apartments could soon be built next to Lynn Family Stadium. Soccer Holdings, LLC, signed an agreement with the Denton ...
New Yorkers are coming together to afford to buy their first homes. It’s called co-buying. Nikki Merkerson calls herself a ...
After buying the house for $21 million, real estate crowdfunding firm Belwood Investments is already putting the unfinished ...
At least five restaurant spaces spanning more than 24,000 square feet now sit vacant following Glu Hospitality's shutdown.
The Shapiro administration's Space Optimization and Utilization Project (SOUP) seeks to compress the state's myriad of office ...
You don’t have to go far in Ellicottville to see what appears to be the start of a trend: Canadian homeowners are putting ...
New details are emerging in the criminal case against a former real estate agent who's accused of human trafficking and ...
A group of seniors from Richfield Living retirement community attended the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting on ...
A pair of out-of-state commercial real estate firms recently traded the Broomfield Marketplace strip mall at 1100 U.S.
A plan by Jared Kushner's real estate firm to build a Trump luxury complex in Belgrade has some Serbians outraged.