Hezekiah Mendoza, 39, of Providence, is accused of stabbing a man at a home on Dudley Avenue in Newport Wednesday night.
The Ocean State will honor the country's oldest ally Thursday, with a ceremony and celebration of France's culture.
Rhode Island's housing market isn't getting any better for prospective sellers, as interest rates, prices remain high.
Currently, fully automatic weapons like machine guns are already illegal in the state. The bill, named “The Rhode Island ...
House Speaker K. Joseph Shekarchi said the raises conflict with the austerity message the governor has given legislators and ...
The new proposal lets developers sidestep local limits on construction for affordable projects even if the city has hit the ...
Members of RI's congressional delegation spoke out against cuts by Trump and Musk, but one prominent Democrat said he ...
Lawmakers have proposed a dozen bills that would change how Rhode Island Energy does business in a bid to reduce high costs ...
Commercial property on Pawtucket Avenue in East Providence sold for $5,840,000. A Narragansett home on Ocean Road sold for $3 ...
Rhode Islanders gathered outside Gov. Dan McKee’s office Thursday evening and took turns shredding their utility bills before ...
For decades, the NCAA vigorously opposed sports gambling. Now, March Madness is one of the most bet-on sporting events.
This Providence school consistently ranks at the bottom in terms of graduation rate and absenteeism. But here's the success story behind the metrics.