With strict reporting rules in place, the EU is monitoring the impact of these measures and considering further action to ...
Binning gum is not the solution either. Addressing gum as a plastic pollutant dictates that the prevention of gum pollution ...
Banning plastic grocery bags ... risks increasing the use of alternatives that end up doing even more environmental damage, ...
Plastic Odyssey, a ‘floating laboratory vessel’ is now docked at the Chennai Port. It is on a three-year expedition to find ...
Pyrolysis breaks down plastic and generates potentially useful oil − but it’s not a silver bullet for the planet.
Aya NaderThe Egyptian government issued a decision to classify plastic shopping bags as products subject to the Extended ...
Plastic waste is a huge problem, with bags and packaging a major culprit. A Bay Area startup has figured out a way to replace ...
Perak must implement a "No Plastic Bag Every Day" campaign across the state as soon as possible, following Penang ...
Plastic waste is recognized as a major cause of environmental harm, with products like water bottles, plastic bags and ...
Advisor to Chief Minister for Environment, Naseem-ur-Rehman Mullakhail said that all possible measures would be taken to ...
A JRC-led study recently published in Marine Pollution Bulletin has revealed that the deepest point of the Mediterranean Sea, ...