It appears to be an alien planet. What is the ocean's deepest point? What lives in the Mariana Trench—and what has been discovered recently?
4 miles beneath the ocean, this installation combines cultural expression with scientific innovation remembering victims of natural disasters ...
Separately, the researchers also developed a soft gripper, which can be attached to a rigid robot. It was tested in the South ...
Researchers descended more than 35,700 feet (10,900 meters) below sea level to collect biological samples that revealed ...
NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration; Dr. Bob Embley, NOAA PMEL, Chief Scientist. But the Mariana Trench is so huge, difficult to reach, dark and dangerous that there are still vast unexplored areas.
The new dismissals would come in addition to the roughly 1,300 NOAA staff members who have already resigned or been laid off in recent weeks. The moves have alarmed scientists, meteorologists and ...
Advert A ghost fish in the Mariana Trench, first spotted in 2016 (NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research/NOAA) All in all, experts behind the study found an eye-opening 7,000 microbe ...
These findings mark the latest results from the Mariana Trench Environment and Ecology Research (MEER) Project, a collaboration launched in 2021 by Shanghai Jiao Tong University, the Institute of ...
“We have our own numerical model, but we can’t run that without the work that NOAA is doing,” said Ethan Greene, director of the Colorado Avalanche Information Center, which publishes ...