The store, famous for their winter boots and outdoor gear, will be located in a building previously occupied by Bed Bath & Beyond.
This will be the fourth L.L. Bean outlet in Maine, joining locations in Freeport ... in stock READ THE FULL STORY:LL Bean expanding with another outlet store in Maine CHECK OUT WMTW:Stay informed ...
FREEPORT, Maine (WGME ... 24-7 and is also housing footwear for the time being. Also read: LL Bean to invest $50 million into store, campus renovations in Freeport Some of the following ...
The German discount supermarket chain Aldi has signed a lease to move into the former Big Lots store in Portland’s ... It will be the chain’s first in Maine. The expected opening date has ...
L.L.Bean, an outdoor goods retailer in Freeport and a major employer in Maine's outdoor recreation economy, endorsed proposed legislation that would eliminate a significant trade barrier that ...
The Biddeford store joins three other stores in Maine, with locations in Freeport, Bangor and Ellsworth.