The Theodore Klein Plant Awards have announced six award-winning plants selected for ornamental appeal, adaptability, and ...
MacCubbin gives Florida gardening advice to care for Amazon lilies, amaryllis plants, fig trees, St. Augustine, crotons, ...
Choose a planting site for rhubarb which receives a minimum of six hours of direct sunlight, free from the shade of trees or ...
You will be surprised to learn that the Moringa tree is incredibly easy to grow. With proper care, you can successfully grow ...
Fruit. Although kiwi vines generally need a colder winter than Southern California’s in order to flower and fruit, the Fuzzy ...
Letting the 5 older boys take over the garden may not produce a harvest, but it will be ripe with lessons learned.
Just because you don't have a yard, it doesn't mean that you can't grow a garden. We spoke to an expert to get tips on how to ...
Work to plant 570,000 trees has begun as part of a Scottish university’s nature-based solution to tackle climate change.
While blossom might be short-lived, often lasting no more than a week or two, it is no less impressive and beautiful. In fact ...
Trees fused together in an “H” shape, with a single huge branch between them, are extremely rare, tree experts say, but they ...
Work began last year on a large warehouse the size of six full-size football pitches in Nacton, near Ipswich, towering over ...
The Three Sisters - corn, beans and squash- are good companion plants with different, yet compatible needs for light, space, ...