At the same time, fans also got to see the Holy Knights make use of their powers to ensure that the children successfully ...
One Piece fans have always discussed the difference in Haki and Devil Fruit but they might have the same source that can be ...
During the time skip, Chopper and Brook both embrace their devil fruit abilities, even though it makes them less human for ...
Luffy's dream of becoming the Pirate King drives most events in One Piece, tied to finding the One Piece and ultimate freedom ...
The theory of Sir Crocodile being a trans woman is one of the longest-standing and most intriguing fan speculations within ...
One Piece fans have been waiting for Usopp to get a power up and the most perfect one for him was hinted by Eiichiro Oda ...
The Whole Cake Island arc delivered one of the most technically impressive and thematically rich battles in One Piece history ...