Inspired by the anime and manga, Jujutsu Kaisen, Jujutsu Infinite is a new action-packed experience on the Roblox platform ...
Innate Techniques play a vital role in Jujutsu Infinite. Not only do they determine how well you do in the PvP mode but also make things easier in the PvE mode if you have a good technique at you're ...
Trading for these at the Curse Market is generally not worth it. Now that you've gone through our Jujutsu Infinite Awakenings tier list, it's time you start farming Purified Curse Hands and get the ...
To learn which cursed techniques are best and what they synergize with, scroll down to our ultimate Jujutsu Infinite tier list! Overall Tier List - Best Innate Techniques to Spin For PvE Tier List - ...
Jujutsu Infinite is the latest Jujutsu Kaisen game on Roblox which ... Here, we’ll look at the best of the best: S and A-tier methods, which are well-known for their efficacy and variety in ...
Roblox's Jujutsu Infinite is an anime MMORPG that offers ... The Curse Market refreshes its list every six hours, so be sure to check back regularly for a chance to grab a Jade Lotus.
Need some help figuring out which techniques are the best in Roblox's Jujutsu Infinite? This tier list is exactly what you're looking for. Almost all resources in Jujutsu Infinite can be obtained ...
Because getting Scrolls isn’t exactly easy, we advise you to stick with even A tier buffs, in case you aren’t able to get an S rank. Flaming Applies the Burn Status and causes damage-over-time.