Inspired by the anime and manga, Jujutsu Kaisen, Jujutsu Infinite is a new action-packed experience on the Roblox platform ...
Majima's Mad Dog/Sea Dog styles previewed for February 21 game The game features Goro Majima as the protagonist, and takes place half a year after Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth. The story centers on ...
With over 20 unique tools at your disposal, each providing unique stat boosts and abilities, obtaining these can drastically improve your build. Let’s check out more details in this article. Hi guys I ...
Jujutsu Infinite is a game brimming with surprises, hidden mechanics, and complex details that most players don’t catch during their first playthrough. If you want to discover hidden features, faster ...
Spins are required to unlock innate techniques in Jujutsu Infinite. These techniques work like skills and are key to dealing damage in the game. You can roll out plenty of techniques in a round ...
On a Technique build, you just want a few opening M1 ... these two are the best healing methods in Jujutsu Infinite mid-fight. Parries can heal you for a lot if you can land them consistently ...
Inspired by the much-loved Jujutsu Kaisen Anime series, Jujutsu Infinite is a popular RPG fighting game on Roblox, where you train your character to become a powerful martial artist and unlock ...
Jujutsu Infinite has a large arsenal of different abilities and weapons that players can use to create unique builds. However, some key abilities are only unlocked after meeting certain conditions ...