More than two dozen dogs were rescued after an investigation into a dog fighting ring in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania State ...
"He should live in the same squalor that he put these poor dogs in and let him learn that little life lesson." ...
Nearly two decades after the Michael Vick case launched organized dog fighting into the spotlight, it still remains a ...
Terrell Williams admitted to hosting dog fights in his Riverview home on two occasions between July and August 2021, ...
Kevin Brown pleaded not guilty to dozens of charges of drug and gun possession and keeping seven fighting dogs in squalid ...
While troopers were at the home, officials say they found numerous items related to animal fighting, as well as multiple ...
More than two dozen dogs were rescued after an investigation into a dog fighting ring in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania State Police said they seized 28 dogs from a home in West Hazleton, Luzerne ...
Authorities say they discovered the animals with scars and lacerations being kept in weighted collars heavier than they were and living in dirty crates.
More than two dozen dogs were seized from a Pennsylvania home during an investigation into dog fighting.Pennsylvania State Police say 28 dogs were taken from a home in the West Hazleton Borough of ...