Superior Central Schools' current playground was built in 1990. It has a wooden tower. Third grade students on the playground ...
Lewisville ISD is building a new playground at Hedrick Middle School as part of their 2023 bond package. The district and the ...
The school board introduced a District Wide Facility Improvement and Long Term Capital Maintenance and Equipment Project ...
Gilles-Sweet Elementary in Fairview Park plans to replace its outdated equipment with a $118,000 accessible playground, set ...
The front lot at Somerville’s John F. Kennedy School is set to be renovated in the spring of 2026 after pleas from community ...
Three primary schools in Lancashire have received new living roof gazebos, potting tables, planters, trees, and play equipment.
Could some headstart centers across the island’s public schools be facing closures? That may be the case as low enrollment in ...
The project aims to enhance the park, originally constructed in 1875, while preserving its historic character.
Over the past 25 years, state officials have largely ignored hundreds of requests by rural school districts to fix the ...
Editor: Teachers who’ve done playground duty know Linda McMahon’s contributions to education. They’ve had to stop students from choke-slamming classmates, a move made popular by her fake wrestlers.
With its non-traditional interface focused on connection, Sonic Playground provides a hands-on experience by combining music, technology and education. The heart of the exhibit is its Electric Forest.