Your body is begging for water! 10 signs you are dehydrated right now. Check out these hydration tips by expert, if you are fasting this Ramadan or Lent 2025.
Inflammation of the airways could increase the risk of respiratory infections worsening it for those with asthma ...
Acetaldehyde will form in the body regardless of whether you drink water, so water sandwiches might slow down or lessen the hangover, but they won’t banish it completely. Also, water can’t “restore ...
UTI cases surge. Below, we break down why this happens and share expert-backed tips to help you prevent a UTI this season.
A GP says a number of common symptoms could be a sign that you aren't drinking enough water - and could be simple to fix. GP Neel Patel said water plays an important role in many ...
Discover why drinking water first thing in the morning enhances metabolism, improves skin, boosts energy, and supports bodily ...
Consuming too little salt in your daily diet could be as dangerous as eating too much. According to Harvard-educated Dr.
Emphasising the importance of hydration, he said: “Water helps the kidneys to ... tea and coffee, as they can lead to dehydration. Limit salty and processed foods that increase calcium buildup ...
‘A.R. #Rahman discharged and recovering at home after a bout of #dehydration ... to an insufficient amount of water to carry out normal bodily functions. This can result from excessive sweating ...
In a recent, cross-institutional study partially funded by the National Institutes of Health, researchers report that healthy human airways are at higher risk for dehydration and inflammation when ...