The other thing I find truly mind-boggling is that an entire male dog can smell a bitch in season up to three miles away! And ...
A: Unfortunately, rivalry amongst dogs in the home is one of the worst things to deal with. There are many suggestions for ...
Powerful stories often leave lasting impressions and can lead to measurable impact. Here's what happened after The Dispatch ...
Hope Mehlberg, the founder of K9 Konvoy, a doggie care service in Oconto, Wisconsin, transports dogs on a school bus from ...
Police responded to JoAnn Echelbarger’s home last October after her neighbors’ pit bulls, Echo and Apollo, attacked and ...
However, no one warned the couple that two dogs had “terrorized the community for years,” the lawsuit said. Four months after ...
Employees will keep dog parents informed while they’re away, answer questions and may even send a photo of their dog with a ...
Dear Eric: I am very allergic to dogs. I have been bitten numerous times throughout my life so I am quite wary of dogs.
Becca Kuperschmid, 23, was home in New York City for the holidays in December when she and her family decided to help out an ...
Early research in the field of canine cognition found that 74% of pet owners believed their dogs felt guilty when they ...
Elko, the Jack Russell mix, now travels around the world with his doting owners, visiting 20 countries since his adoption in ...
Some nights, a king-sized bed is just not big enough when you share it with five furry companions. A video posted on ...