A group of whale watchers, look in horror as a huge humpback whale emerges from the water and swallows two kayakers whole!
It took more than three years to prepare the blue whale for display in Hintze Hall. In that time, our experts unearthed dozens of stories about its history. The tales that surfaced reflect the people ...
Adrián Simancas , a 24-year-old kayaker in Chile, detailed what it was like to be in the mouth of a humpback whale as his father captured the jarring encounter on video on Feb. 8.
The blue whale is suspended from the Museum's ceiling The animal's ... He plainly discerned the back and tail of an enormous creature who was evidently struggling to get out of deep water. The pilots ...
In a video, a man captured the jaws of a humpback whale poke out of the water around his son's kayak, close around him, and disappear into the ocean. KUOW is Seattle’s NPR news station.
Scientists may finally have an explanation for the longstanding mystery of why blue whale calves are rarely sighted, an advance that could help better conserve the critically endangered species.
But across various blue whale populations, high pregnancy rates of 33-50% annually seem to contradict the average 3.1% rate of sightings of blue whales involving mother-calf pairs.