Synopsis: The Salesman, a ruthless international arms dealer, kidnaps Pooja—Vikram’s daughter, believed to be dead and forces Vikram into a treacherous mission for her release. Escaping CID custody, ...
India experiences the world’s absolute burden of at least 11 NTDs, including hookworm, dengue, lymphatic filariasis, leprosy, ...
Their potential to create livelihoods, enable rural transformation and preserve India’s rich heritage, history and culture makes GI tags invaluable ...
The Mahabharat is one of the two major epics in Sanskrit of ancient India It contains over one lakh couplets and is thrice as long as the Bible However only a fraction of the narration actually deals ...
Imagine the sparkle in your child’s eyes as they step off the plane into a world of wonder, ready to embark on a birthday ...