One popular theory is that the position of your placenta might reveal your baby’s sex. It claims that an anterior placenta (attached to the front of the uterus) means you’re having a girl, while a ...
Cervical mucus is a natural vaginal fluid that the cervix (structure at the bottom of the uterus) produces. It plays a role in the female reproductive process. The texture and color of cervical mucus ...
The anterior wall of the vagina is 7-9 ... which has large elasticity, simple anatomy, and strong stability. Meanwhile, it does not require the use of vaginal speculum and cervical forceps to fix the ...
The vast majority of people -- more than 90% -- with pain from cervical disc disease will get better on their own over time with simple, conservative treatments. Surgery, however, may help if ...
Historically, posterior fixation and fusion have been the most popular method of internally stabilizing the cervical spine after injury. Although techniques such as wiring are effective for most ...
Disc replacements are used to treat cervical radiculopathy and discogenic pain. They're also used for revision surgery. This procedure involves an anterior (front) surgical approach. The damaged disc ...
SrdjanPav/Getty Images A recent CDC report builds on existing evidence showing the effectiveness of the HPV vaccine for preventing cervical cancer. While HPV is commonly associated with females ...
Can a LEEP procedure prevent cervical cancer? Yes, LEEP can prevent cervical cancer by removing abnormal and precancerous cells before they become malignant. Can LEEP results show cervical cancer? Yes ...
Kennedy Jr., is preventing cervical cancer in young women. The report comes after Kennedy pledged to give a family member any fees he might earn from HPV vaccine litigation. In a 2019 video posted ...
Skipping your Pap? A major gyno-no. The rate of timely cervical screenings in the United States and abroad has declined in recent years — and that’s a red flag. Cervical cancer often shows no ...