Fox News' Ainsley Earhardt seems to lead a glamorous life; however, a behind-the-scenes peak shows that some aspects of the ...
Ainsley Earhardt is known for her flawless skin and consistently polished makeup looks, which only made this beauty blunder ...
Ainsley Earhardt calls out the left's 'evil' taunting of Elon Musk: 'Why?' The 'Outnumbered' panel discussed the left taunting Elon Musk for a SpaceX rocket explosion and Tesla's stock drop after ...
While smoking rates have fallen to record lows, vaping has become increasingly common, with some evidence finding it to be a less harmful alternative to cigarettes. But a new study out of ...
The Dallas Mavericks were reportedly unhappy with Luka Doncic's social habits, which included regularly smoking hookah and drinking beer. According to a report published by The Athletic ...
“Fox & Friends” continues to pull away from the competition in the ratings race since President Trump was elected – drawing more than twice the viewership of reeling rival MSNBC’s ...
A new study provides more evidence of how lifestyle and environmental factors influence how we age, including smoking status, physical activity, and living conditions. For many years, researchers ...