Some residents in Southern Virginia Beach feel they have just won a battle over a potential re-zoning issue, but they are ...
Besides their immense economic contributions to Malaysia, some migrant workers there are active in community work. CNA finds ...
Vicksburg was incorporated in 1825, and for 200 years it has been shaped and molded by all who have lived here. And while ...
Calm weather also brought a complete change: music, champagne and dancing in the small lounge with the young, flamboyant ship’s officers and a Cuban sugar plantation owner who, on the last day ...
Despite the support of the Danish Queen, the Danish West Indies Company, which conducted a thriving number of sugar plantations dependent ... Allen abandoned the slave trade in the early 1750s ...
Virginia plantation owner Nathanial Bacon took matters into his ... to classify Middle Eastern and Northern African people in the 2020 Census, but it was abandoned. This is how America arrived where ...
Many cattle were lost into the wilderness or abandoned by attempted settlements ... Some Crackers became plantation owners, politicians and business owners. They were the heart and sole of ...
There is another book, the The Autobiography of Emily Donaldson Walton, and she is someone who remembers the plantation. I’ve always had ... looks all heartbroken and bereft because she’s been ...