Peter Lynas explores the slang term ‘cultural brain rot’, the three underlying cultural stories and the role of discipleship ...
Baptism, like its old covenant counterpart, circumcision, is a sign and seal of the covenant of grace (Rom. 4:11), pointing ...
Borrowing from George Orwell , who describes nationalism as “power hunger tempered by self-deception,” Christian nationalism ...
Accountability group claims Vince Bantu, an expert in ancient African Christianity, is justifying adultery with an argument ...
Freshmen outreach and Welcome Week are big parts of each year for the Catholic Campus Ministry at the University of Mary ...
This guide from Thabiti M. Anyabwile biblically and practically instructs church members in ways they can labor for the health of their church.
Cardinal Seán P. Malley attended the annual Celebration of Priesthood dinner Wednesday night at Seaport hotel for his last time as Archbishop of Boston.
Online gambling isn’t necessarily sinful, but it’s certainly not a careful use of the wealth God has given us.
Corinthians 15:9-11 "I am the least of the Apostles ..." Out our way, the term "drag" has a meaning that most of the rest of ...
Jesus often healed people, and today, with the Church as the body of Christ on Earth, he continues his ministry of healing ...
Pastor Lorenzo Sewell criticized Vice President Harris' Detroit visit and described it as superficial, arguing it won't address the city's long-standing issues.
It is heartwarming how Luke mentions the women disciples as participants in Jesus’ proclamation of the Gospel, side by side with the Twelve.