R75W mutation in the gap junction β2 (GJB2) gene causes severe fragmentation of gap junction plaques, connecting adjacent ...
A first-year microbiology graduate student works with samples in test tubes under a fume hood in a marine microbiology lab in UT's Science and Engineering Research Facility.
Figure shows the additional life years spent without diabetes, relative to status quo, from expanding access to anti-obesity medication (AOM).
A research paper by scientists at the University of Macau proposed a novel multi-section magnetic soft robot maneuvered by an associated collaborative multirobot navigation system with magnetic ...
Getting zapped with millions of volts of electricity may not sound like a healthy activity, but for some trees, it is. A new ...
People who have early signs of heart problems may also have changes in brain health that can be early signs of dementia, such as loss of brain volume, according to a meta-analysis published on March ...
New research into lithium mining in the “Lithium Triangle” of Chile, Argentina and Bolivia — source of more than half of the ...
People living in more disadvantaged neighborhoods may be more likely to develop dementia than people living in neighborhoods with fewer disadvantages, according to a study published on March 26, 2025, ...
Bruno’s analyses indicated that unfilled vacancies for teachers, administrators and other staff varied significantly depending on schools’ urbanicities ― whether they were located in cities or rural ...
Researcher Sebastian Gratz-Kelly (photo) shows off a sensor element created from a metal-coated elastomeric film. The touchpad, here mounted on a wristband, can recognize the pressure and direction of ...
Bruno’s analyses indicated that unfilled vacancies for teachers, administrators and other staff occurred in ways associated with student demographics such as race, English proficiency and poverty that ...
A study in Science Translational Medicine found when patients take the drug nitisinone, their blood becomes deadly to ...