The ECUMENE 2024 forum has started its work in Moscow. Representatives of international financial and government institutions, business and government, scientific and expert community will discuss ...
The RAI company has created a year-round family recreation complex "Atmosphere" in the village of Yuzhno–Morskoy Primorsky Krai - 15 dome tents equipped for comfortable living with associated ...
The construction project of a plant for the production of biodegradable tableware and cellulose packaging is accompanied by the manager of the Construction Assistance Center under the Government of ...
The volume of production of computers, optics and electronics in Moscow from January to July 2024 increased by more than 2.1 times or 111% due to the support of the city. This was announced by the ...
CEOs, SRT and CIO, commercial and ECOM directors, HR will discuss ideas and practices, hiring IT specialists, efficient use of resources and transformation of the IT sector. Among the speakers are ...
Russia and China have agreed on cooperation in the field of sustainable development. The key trends of the ESG agenda and areas of joint work were discussed by representatives of the countries at the ...
Aurora Airlines and Yakovlev PJSC of the United Aircraft Corporation within the framework of the IX The Eastern Economic Forum signed an agreement of intent for the supply of five medium-haul MS-21 ...
The American technology company Ingram Micro Inc. plans to hold an IPO to raise more than $1.0 billion. with the financial support of Platinum Equity. This is reported in the Ingram Micro press ...
МФО расширяют дистанционные каналы выдачи займов. Об этом говорится в сообщении ЦБ. Дистанционные каналы продаж расширяются в ...
Американская компания по производству электронных устройств Intel не планирует продавать контрольный пакет акций израильского ...
В Краснодарском крае запущено движение 10 новых трамваев в рамках Программы комплексного развития городского электрического ...
Партию обнаружили сотрудники Центральной оперативной таможни. Опломбированная фура следовала из Турции в Беларусь транзитом ...